Welcome to our website www.the666.com the great mystic window of God before men and also of the great forces of good and evil existing in the universe!
The NEWS that CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera or the international press, THEY DARE NOT TELL THE WORLD for its great historical consequences!
President Barack Obama will eventually approve the realization the necessary military attack against Syria.
(El presidente Barack Obama va a aprobar el necesario ataque militar contra Siria) ( ENTRAR !) >>>
The " Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 " reports:
1. The soul of General Dwight D. Eisenhower will inform the world that President Barack Obama will fulfill his duty to:
Take the inevitable and necessary decision to attack Syria .
And in a situation in which such an attack on Syria can no longer continue to be neglected
(The military attack on Syria can no longer continue to be neglected)
Due to the irresponsibility and inconsistencies that characterize Now
The international political community at the United Nations :
The USA-Western military attack on Syria will be finally done by the United States, France, Israel, Jordan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, to cite examples.
Attention, this historic mystical video entitled "666 advice USA to atack now 2013 to Syria and Iran" carried out by the souls of 666 and the great director Alfred Hitchcock film master in today's date Sunday September 1, 2013 and also presented to the world from the publication we have already done in youtube.com ( ENTER !) >>>
It is the necessary and excellent visual explanation introduction and historical to the world of mystical discourse that the soul of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, will make the American people and the world (as already announced) explaining the true nature and importance will be in the Middle East and worldwide:
Video: 666 advice USA to atack now 2013 to Syria and Iran -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
Video: 666 advice USA to atack now 2013 to Syria and Iran -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
The necessary and courageous military strike that President Barack Obama and the United States with great support and mystique of the 666 existing in the world :
You will now perform against Syria and that the severity of the threats to the security of Israel and the United States itself do now to the world the unsustainable, genocidal Syrian President Basha al-Assad and his terrorist allies Iran and Hezbollah Islamist, threats and blackmail the United States, Israel and the Western political community should not and can now continue to accept, tolerate or fear:
The United States and Israel are going to see in the obligation to confront and also to attack Iran, accepting the necessary and wise advice and help 666 mystical and soul of President and General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Chief of Staff of the Army of 666 Mystic and also member of the "Mystic World Government 666" to help avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a paradise on earth.
The souls of 666 and General Dwight D. Eisenhower congratulate President Barack Obama for following our advice to seek approval also American Congress itself to its historic and courageous decision , to make the necessary and instructive USA- Western military attack than against the tyrant unacceptable and Syrian President Basha al- Assad , is going to do in this September 2013.
The historic speech of the soul of General Dwight D. Eisenhower about to be published to the world in the next 72 hours ( on Wednesday 4 September 2013 ) , from this unique window mystique of God to men that is our successful website www.the666.com
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 (Sunday September 1, 2013 , Stockholm , Sweden. -17:00 GMT )
Video: The necessary USA western attack to Syria 2013 -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
Video: The necessary USA western attack to Syria 2013 -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
In what initially offered German support refers to the necessary military attack on Syria:
Chancellor Angela Merkel has now decided to change their minds and try to win his disastrous re-election in Germany in the next federal election Sunday September 22, 2013:
Opposing any USA-West military strike against Syria.
It is necessary to remember that the 666 has offered since the world out of power and government of Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany, making her lose the German federal elections of September 22, 2013:
With the help of four armies mystics 666 who are already displaced in Germany "working mystically" to help to defeat the unacceptable re-election of Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany 2013.
(The 666 will lose German federal election to Angela Merkel on September 22, 2013) ( ENTER !) >>>
( With the help of 666 President Barack Obama has already made the decision to attack Syria )
2 . With the help of the existing 666 already in the worl
President Barack Obama has taken his heart and conscience the decision to attack Syria and give it a necessary punishment for unacceptable tyrant genocidal Russian ally President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.
In a situation that President Vladimir Putin of Russia with his irresponsible and criminal support for President Basha al- Assad of Syria , is also guilty of unacceptable suffering , persecution , crimes and genocide victim that is now the people of Syria:
3. The 666 sends Russia the souls of Alexander Litvinenko and Boris Brezhovsky , killed political enemies of Vladimir Putin with the historic mission :
( The 666 is now helping in Russia mystically to topple the government of President Vladimir Putin )
Help mystically to success:
The current existing Russian conspiracies:
To get the Power to President Vladimir Putin.
The soul of General Dwight D. Eisenhower:
Chief of Staff of the amazing "Army of 666 Mystic "
Fulfilling the orders of the 666 in this regard:
a) . Appointed repentant soul of Russian dictator Jose Stalin (Member of World Mystic Government 666) , responsible for organizing conspiracies mystical necessary to overthrow President Vladimir Putin in Russia .
b). It also named the soul of American General Stilwell Card (aka "Vinegar Joe" ) , an expert in the making of "military operations behind enemy lines ":
Military Adviser Jose Stalin soul to the accomplishment of mystical conspiracies necessary to remove the power and governance in Russia President Vladimir Putin.
All this means that the irresponsible and criminal support of President Vladimir Putin to the existence and the genocidal tyrant government and president Syria, Basha Al- Assad :
You will also eventually causing complete self-destruction and fall of the government of President Vladimir Putin in Russia , not to correct now its unacceptable errors this regard.
4.In a situation in which Syria and Iran also threatened to attack Israel if Syria attacked by any military alliance " USA- West " :
The 666 and mystically ordered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu :
a. Meet mystical order of 666 to defend the security of the Jewish people and the State of Israel at any cost necessary.
b . Comply also the mystical order of 666 to destroy the mosques of Al- Aqsa Mosque and the "Dome of the Rock" for the 666 to start performing the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem.
5. During the realization of the inevitable and necessary military attack " USA- West " against Syria :
The 666 will open a " window mystique " with which will help minimize military casualties " USA- West " in the attack on Syria and the confrontation with Iran and Russia (if needed ) .
The Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 also informs the world that after the necessary attack military "USA - West " against Syria :
6. The People's Republic of China will change their minds and will stop supporting permanence of the criminal and genocidal Syrian President Bashar Al Assad as a necessary price to pay for:
To save the historic alliance of China with 666 the soul of Chairman Mao Tse Tung , and mystically has done with 666 in the incredible paradise and mystical world of God and of 666 for:
Help ensure the existence and success of socialism in China, happiness and progress of the Chinese people and also help to avoid self -destruction of humanity and build a paradise on earth with the new economic system 666.
Is necessary to note in this connection that the soul of Chairman Mao Tse Tung from Germany has traveled to the city of Beijing where with the help of the soul of Den Xio Ping president, are doing the historical mission of convincing mystically President Xi Jinping and the government and the Chinese Communist Party:
Comply with the necessary duty to leave and to not continue supporting the existence of the criminal unacceptable staff genocidal dictatorship President Bashar Al Assad in Syria.
With the historical fulfillment of the Biblical predictions:
On the emergence and existence of the 666 already in the world:
All this is now the incredible political and mystical stage which will make the necessary attack military "USA-West" against Syria in September 2013.
The soul of General Dwight D. Eisenhower will explain in the next 72 hours all this information in a special mystical historical allocution the American people and the world.
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 (Friday, August 30, 2013 . Stockholm, Sweden . ( 03:18 GMT )
The Mega-Summit in Sweden
Barack Obama-666
It will do in the Air Force One
(Click on this link to read the full story!) ( ENTER !) >>>
(La Conferencia Cumbre del Presidente Barack Obama con el 666) ( ENTRAR !) >>>
It gives me the soul of President Ronald Reagan honored:
To reaffirm my dear American people and the world that President Barack Obama during his next trip to Sweden in the month of September 2013:
You will recognize the existence of 666 now in the world in a historic "Political Mega-Summit Barack Obama-666" is going to have an hour of duration and:
On the recommendation and advice of the soul of General and President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Chief of Staff of the "Army of 666 Mystic" and also member of the "Mystic World Government 666":
The historic "Mega-Summit Barack Obama Politico-666" will be held in Sweden on American soil:
In the presidential plane Air Force One is going to lose an hour his departure from Sweden, to help allow celebration of that historic meeting and political meeting of President Barack Obama and 666.
I would recommend it to our beloved president Barack Obama spend nine minutes of your busy time to watch the video masterful historical and soul of our Film beloved genius, Alfred Hitchcock is responsible for the successfuly realization of film propaganda of 666 now in the world:
He has performed one excellent mystic video with 666 explaining what will be the historic Barack Obama-666 Mega-Summit and the necessary help that the 666 will give President Barack Obama to use to make the historic and successful transformation of our beloved country, the United States of America.
Video: President Barack Obama and The 666 Mega Summit -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
Video: President Barack Obama and The 666 Mega Summit -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
I the soul of President Ronald Reagan also pointed out publicly about our beloved president Barack Obama to my irresponsible Party Republican unfortunately prevented him from doing all these reforms during his first term of 2008-2012, and he has even now also hands tied:
The only way you my dear President Barack Obama can successfully perform all these historic reforms that American society needed is:
By now our unique partnership with the 666 existing mystical leader in the world and is the only one with its new economic system 666, I can help you my dear President Barack Obama to turn our beloved country the United States of America.
That's why you President Barack Obama now has to fulfill his duty before God and men to recognize and accept the existence of 666 and in the world, meeting with the 666 in Sweden to reach an agreement necessary political, economic, military and mystical that allows the 666 to give full support.
(See the soul of General Dwight D. Eisenhower explains the existence of the "Army of 666 Mystic") The Mega-Summit in Sweden Barack Obama and the 666 ( ENTRAR !) >>>
(Ver "La Conferencia y encuentro del presidente Barack Obama y el 666) ( ENTRAR !) >>>
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences 666 Project 666 (Tuesday, August 20, 2013. Stockholm, Sweden. -22:30 GMT)
The constuction of the necessary European union Super State and New Roman Empire World 666 with the 666 president and his New Economic System 666:
To help avoid the self-destruction of Mankind and make a paradise on Earth!
After the comming defeat by the 666 of Chancellor Angela Merkel in the german federal elections of September 22, 2012 the 666 demands:
1. The resignation of the irresponsible and corrupt scoundrel "Barroso Commission" of the European Union outlaws 666 for violations that has made the "Lisbon Treaty".
2. Approve by referendum in the creation of a Provisional Government and European Union World under the direction of 666 that must be consisting of seven people and proposes that 666 must be formed by the following persons:
1. Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez, the existing 666 and in the world. 2. President of France Francois Hollande. 3. former president Bill Clinton of the United States of America. 4. Former president Hu Jintao of China. 5. Former president Mikhail Gorbachev of the former Union of Republics Soviet Socialist. 6. Former president Felipe Gonzalez of Spain. 7. Former Primer minister of Israel, Ehud Barack.
Former President Hu Jintao of China should also form part of the new provisional government of the European Union for the simple reason that:
The Socialist People's Republic of China
Has invested in the European Union more than 400 billion euros in the purchase of "Sovereign Bonds Waste" of European Union countries:
Money that has unfortunately gone into the pockets of the speculators, billionaires, banks and markets.
The Socialist People's Republic of China to the 666 already made a historic offer of alliance:
Then you have every right to participate in a new global provisional government of the European Union to help ensure and defend the best interests of the chinesse people and all peoples and nations of the European Union and the world.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics should form also part of this new global provisional government of the European Union to help demonstrate and guarantee the United States and Russia that:
The new European Union 666 will help build after the defeat of Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany by the 666 on September 22, 2013:
Will be a European Union Super state or new Roman Empire World is going to have to 666 president, guaranteeing and defending the existence of society and the welfare state and the power that will also be part and live successfully:
Best of the capitalist system and the best of the socialist system with the help of the new economic system 666, to help avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a paradise on earth.
(Read The Mega-Summit in Sweden Barack Obama and the 666) ( ENTER !) >>>
(Ver "La Conferencia y encuentro del presidente Barack Obama y el 666) ( ENTRAR !) >>>
For now I recommend you Internet users around the world who visit our website successful www.the666.com
Continue reading the historical statements of the soul of our dear comrade in arms mystical Chairman Mao Tse Tung, announcing to the world the mystical realization of the historic alliance of the Socialist People's Republic of China with 666.
(The soul of Chairman Mao Zedong announced to the world the realization of China's historical mystical alliance with 666!) ( ENTER !) >>>
(El alma del presidente Mao Tse Tung anuncia la historica alianza de China con el 666) ( ENTRAR !) >>>
Soul of President Ronald Reagan (Member of "Mystic World Government 666")
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 (Tuesday, August 20, 2013. Stockholm, Sweden. -17:25 GMT)
It is necessary to remember about the soul of Chairman Mao Tse Tung is now in Germany:
Helping the souls of our great leader 666, the Empress Elisabeth of Austria, "Sissy", General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Field Marshal Adolf Hitler, to prepare the incredible and historic "Blitzkrieg" mystical with that:
Our unrivaled leader mystical 666 as a necessary act of divine justice to the European Union and the world is going to give a backside kicked to the billionaires, banks and markets with the help of Chancellor Angela Merkel:
They are now looting and destroying the existence of society and the welfare state in all peoples and nations of the European Union to defend the unacceptable and inhuman interests of the billionaires, banks and markets, reason why:
The 666 will confront, defeat and prevent the re-election of Chancellor Angela Merkel, the German federal elections in the next 22 September 2013, with the help of its big mystical super-natural forces and formed Four Armies souls Mystic 8 million soldiers killed in combat and are run by the souls of:
1. Field Marshal Adolf Hitler Commander of the Third Army Mystic 666.
2. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commander of the First Army Mystic 666.
3. Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, commander of the Second Army Mystic 666.
4. General Alexander the Great, commander of the Sixth Army Mystic 666.
(See the soul of General Dwight D. Eisenhower explains the existence of the "Army of 666 Mystic") ( ENTRAR !) >>>
(The soul of Chairman Mao Zedong announced to the world the realization of China's historical mystical alliance with 666!) ( ENTER !) >>>
(El alma del presidente Mao Tse Tung anuncia la historica alianza de China con el 666) ( ENTRAR !) >>>
Finally I the soul of President Ronald Reagan I now call our beloved companion soul struggles that as Margaret Thatcher spokesperson for our "Mystic World Government 666", to help avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a paradise on earth, mystic also has very important information that now offer all peoples and nations.
The soul of the British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, explains to the world the historical consequences will be the defeat of Chancellor Angela Merkel in the German federal elections of September 22, 2013.
Thanking my dear fellow comarade mystical soul of President Ronald Reagan, for having been kind enough to share with me these times of information that we are offering to the world from the world of indescribable paradise and justice of God and of 666:
He speaks the soul of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher government spokesman Global Mystic 666 to inform on this date on Tuesday Aug 20, 2013 to:
With the historic election defeat and out of power in Germany by Chancellor Angela Merkel:
Video: The 666 is the Armageddon of Chancellor Angela Merkel -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
Video: The 666 is the Armageddon of Chancellor Angela Merkel
-by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
Our great leader mystical 666 will require:
1. The resignation of the irresponsible and corrupt scoundrel "Barroso Commission" of the European Union outlaws 666 for violations that has made the "Lisbon Treaty".
2. The convocation of the European Union Referemdun to be done no later than three months after the defeat and out of the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany is going to happen next September 22, 2013 to:
3. Approve by referendum the prohibition of the election of all members of any future Commission and European Union government THROUGH toalets agreements and chambers with which the billionaires, banks and markets, and always choose to appoint "finger" their representatives and politicians thieves, crooks and corrupt in all government posts and address the European Union.
4. Approve by referendum the European Union president is elected for a period of four years the realization THROUGH elections free and democratic presidential must always be made in the European Union.
5. Referendum approve the creation of a Provisional Government and European Union World under the direction of 666 that must be consisting of seven people and proposes that 666 must be formed by the following persons:
1. Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez, the existing 666 and in the world. 2. President of France Francois Hollande. 3. former president Bill Clinton of the United States of America. 4. Former president Hu Jintao of China. 5. Former president Mikhail Gorbachev of the former Union of Republics Soviet Socialist. 6. Former president Felipe Gonzalez of Spain. 7. Former Primer minister of Israel, Ehud Barack.
(The Mega-Summit in Sweden of the president Barack Obama with the 666) ( ENTER !) >>>
(La Conferencia Cumbre del Presidente Barack Obama con el 666) ( ENTRAR !) >>>
(Attention this page is under construction And will be finished in the next 48 hours!)
Soul of President Ronald Reagan (Member of "Mystic World Government 666")
Soul of Margaret Thatcher (Spokesperson of the "Mystic World Government 666")
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 (Tuesday, August 20, 2013. Stockholm, Sweden. -22:30 GMT)
Published on this website for the
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences Of Project 666
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences Of Project 666
(Tuesday, August 20, 2013. Stockholm, Sweden. -22:30 GMT)
(Click on the English or Spanish flag to read all the topics in English or in Spanish Language!)
!Pinche en la bandera española o inglesa para leer los textos completos en idiomas Español o Inglés!
The NEWS that CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera or the international press, THEY DARE NOT TELL THE WORLD for its great historical consequences!
The unmatched Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences Of the Project 666 present:
The soul of Chairman Mao Zedong announced to the world the realization of China's historical mystical alliance with 666:
To help avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a paradise on earth with the new economic system 666. (Part 1 of 3)
Sunday August 18, 2013. Berlin, Germany.
To my dear Chinese President Comrade Xi Jinping.
To my beloved Communist Party China and members of the Politburo comrades.
To my dear Chinese people And to all peoples and nations.
Comrades all
From the beautiful city of Berlin, Germany:
He speaks the soul of your dear comrade and mystical president of China, Mao Tse Tung:
To announce the realization of China's historical mystical alliance with 666:
To help ensure the happiness, security, the existence and success of our beloved Chinese people and of socialism in China, and also help to avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a paradise on earth with the help of 666 and its new economic system 666.
It is necessary to clarify the matter as a necessary act of "Divine Justice Mystique" that all of you will understand at the end of this address:
I the soul of Chairman Mao Tse Tung mystique makes them this address from Germany, where I am now also accompanied by the souls of our dear comrades of struggle mystical souls:
Our unrivaled leader mystical 666, of our beloved Empress Elisabeth of Austria, "Sissy", General Dwigh Eisenhower and a repentant Adolf Hitler that:
Our great leader the 666 mystic has ordered next month of September, 2013, a necessary war and "Blitzkrieg" mystic in Germany the help of the great "Mystic Army 666":
(See "General Dwight Eisenhower encouraged explains the" Mystic Army 666 "to help build a paradise on earth") ( ENTER !) >>>
So that in a situation in which the support of the billionaires, banks and markets Chancellor Angela Merkel has so far secured their nefarious and unacceptable re-election in Germany:
As a necessary act of justice:
(The 666 has begun to release their amazing mystic army to help release in September 2013 to Germany and all the peoples and nations of the European Union, from the bondage of the European Union of the billionaires, banks and markets.)
The 666 and against all odds:
Make losing with the help of our great mystical super-natural forces 666:
The upcoming federal elections to be held in Germany next September 22 (2013) thereby also helping to:
Freeing the German people and all peoples and nations of the European Union of oppression, looting and unnecessary destruction of the existence of society and the welfare state in the European Union: Under the leadership of Chancellor Angela Merkel thinking that is now a new "Fuhrer" in Germany and Europe:
This now made Chancellor Angela Merkel among all peoples and nations of the European Union:
Germany violated the "Lisbon Treaty" and under the leadership of Chancellor Angela Merkel and with the help of the irresponsible and servile "Barroso Commission":
Has now become the European Union in an unacceptable "Organized Crime Syndicate" in the service and defense of the failed world of injustice billionaires, banks and markets for:
Pay with the looting of the wealth of the peoples and nations of the European Union, the economic crisis that have created them billionaires, banks and markets with their known and unpunished hitherto and economic crimes "Lessa Humanity" against the peoples of the European Union.
As we will be able to check also with the evidence I regard the soul of Mao Tse Tung also here I present to you all about my President Xi Jinping dear comrade, comrades of the Communist Party political bureau and the government of China:
Do not make the mistake of underestimating never ignore and mock a Biblical predictions that predict the appearance of a 666 that will govern the world and control the world economy with its new economic system, all this despite that the same Bible also predicts 666 as an alleged "Antichrist", "Satan" and "devil re-incarnate".
That is why Chancellor Angela Merkel refuses to recognize and accept the historical fulfillment of biblical prophecies about the existence of a 666 already in the world and the self Chancellor Angela Merkel has ignored, belittled and ridiculed:
Chancellor Angela Merkel can never complain because the same existing 666 already in the world, now Realize unmatched mystical alliance with our great China country also claims that with the help of his great mystical super-natural forces 666, going to get the government and power in Germany and the European Union:
At the same Chancellor Angela Merkel with the help of the billionaires, banks and markets, has officially secured and already won his re-election in federal elections to be held next September 22, 2013 in Germany.
In a situation in which the speaker the soul of your beloved Chairman Mao Tse Tung:
I have now the privilege to continue starring after death, incredible days of struggle helping to defend the best interests of our dear Chinese people and mankind:
From the amazing world of justice and God's own paradise also existing in the universe, now helping our unique mystical leader his beloved son and representative existing 666 already in the world, to help avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a paradise on earth with its new economic system 666:
I am the soul of your beloved president mystical Mao Tse Tung, I will make a consistent and amazing explanation about the veracity and authenticity from this address mystique that now I make them for you, and the existence of 666 and of life after death:
With the help of their own shows and events that our great leader mystical 666 with its necessary and heroic struggle is proving every day to the world and Western civilization itself is global and historical stage of political struggle and mystique of 666:
It now refuses to recognize and accept the existence also prevents the 666 already in the world with total absurd and useless news block the existence and struggle of 666:
Being based moral laws in a Bible wrong and falsely predicts that 666 is a "Antichrist", "Satan" and "devil re-incarnate" and that in the particular case of our beloved country China, also predicts that China and the yellow race are also intended by God to destroy the third part of humanity.
(Necessary expansion of the mystical allocution by the soul of Chairman Mao Tse Tung on the date of the day today, Monday August 19, 2013)
I am the soul of your beloved president mystical Mao Tse Tung I explain all this for the simple reason that without the existence of our dear comrade and leader mystical 666 now in the world:
There is no possibility of transformations and changes in the world of injustice unacceptable that European Union at the service and defense of the billionaires, banks and markets led from Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel.
And in a situation in which Chancellor Angela Merkel from Germany has absolute control of the European Union and with the help and support of the billionaires, banks and markets:
Chancellor Angela Merkel has also secured his triumph advance and re-election in the next German federal election of September 22, 2013:
The 666 is the only man in the world who can now meet and defeat to Chancellor Angela Merkel and her allies billionaires, banks and markets:
Making her lose the next German federal election of September 22, 2013 to enable the realization of the necessary historical and political changes, economic and social European UNION:
They will allow the 666 to create with its new economic system 666 a new European Union Super state or new Roman Empire World that you will have to 666 president and he will not ever be the defense and service billionaires, banks and markets, but the service and defend the best interests of all peoples and nations of the European Union and the world.
That's why I am the soul of your beloved Chairman Mao Tse tung I started this first part of my mystique explaining allocution the need that exists now in the European Union to historical changes and political and social changes:
Let all the peoples and nations of the European Union free of unacceptable and unjust world of billionaires, banks and markets in which our country China:
It has done the mistake of investing more than 400 billion euros in the purchase of "Garbage Sovereign Bonds" of the countries of the European Union:
Which unfortunately have served only to help enrich more speculators and billionaires, banks and markets continue robbing and plundering the wealth of the peoples and nations of the European Union.
Those 400 billion euros that our beloved country the Socialist People's Republic of China has made the mistake of investing in the purchase of "Sovereign Bonds Waste" of the European Union countries:
Under the wrong and false premise that it was an investment that would help the European Union overcome its economic crisis, money unfortunately term in the European Union in the pockets of speculators, billionaires, banks and markets:
They were 400 billion euros that must have been spent better in China in the construction of socialism, in the modernization of the Chinese state, in the fight against corruption and burocray and the construction of hospitals, schools and housing for our beloved Chinese people.
If all this we add the astronomical economic loans that China has made themselves well to USA, to cite another example-:
We have that with all this astronomical wealth and money invested and loaned by China in the European Union and the United States could end with economic poverty of more than 1,300 million people now has the population of our beloved country China.
But the greatest tragedy is also available on the subject that:
With ALL WORLD GOLD can not save either never unacceptable world of injustice in a society and Global Capitalism decadent in which few have everything and the vast majority have nothing.
And the selfish interests and boundless greed of the billionaires, banks and markets are the ones who decide the existence and life of human society.
Fortunately you my dear comrade President Xi Jinping, comrades government and our glorious Communist Party of China have now the opportunity to correct those mistakes accepting materializing now in the world of men needed and historic alliance of China with the 666 I the soul of your beloved Chairman Mao Tse Tung've done already via mysticism:
In the very paradise and God's spiritual world and 666 in that now I am helping to fulfill the wishes of the true God in the universe always wanting the best for humanity, we asked all the necessary support and just struggle of the existing 666 and in the world to help avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a paradise on earth.
In such a situation you my dear comrade President Xi Jinping, my dear comrades government and our glorious Communist Party of China:
They now starring in the necessary historical and world news announcing the recognition of our country's China 666 existing and in the world and acceptance of the realization of the biblically predicted and maligned alliance of China with 666.
And in a situation in which our great leader mystical 666 and also made him the date you in the July 29, 2013, the complementation of the completion of his historic offer of alliance to China asking to accept this alliance later than the date of November 18, 2013:
The Socialist People's Republic of China and the government and the Communist Party of China must now communicate to the world the acceptance of the realization of alliance that must begin with the acceptance by China of:
Rent for 50 years the new economic system 666 for the sum of 18 billion dollars, in the conditions in which the 666 has already publicly explained in its historical alliance offer political, economic, military and mystical China made on the date of April 22, 2011.
(See The historic alliance of 666 supply to China) ( ENTER !) >>>
To do all this, and as fine as 666 has been explained and I now quote verbatim your order on the matter:
(Click on this link to read the full story!) ( ENTER !) >>>
(Pinche este link para leer la historia en Español) ( ENTRAR !) >>>
(Part 1 of 3)
Soul mystical Chinese President Mao Tse Tung. Member of "Mystic World Government 666". (To help build a paradise on earth).
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences 666 Project (Sunday August 18, 2013. Stockholm, Sweden. -23:18 GMT)
Published on this website for the
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences Of Project 666
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences Of Project 666
(Sunday August 18, 2013. Stockholm, Sweden. -23:18 GMT)
(Click on the English or Spanish flag to read all the topics in English or in Spanish Language!)
!Pinche en la bandera española o inglesa para leer los textos completos en idiomas Español o Inglés!
The NEWS that CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera or the international press, THEY DARE NOT TELL THE WORLD for its great historical consequences!
The historic speech of the soul of Chairman Mao Zedong proclaiming the mystical realization:
Of the biblically predicted and slandered China alliance 666:
To help build a world of justice and true paradise on earth with The new Economic System 666.
"China and the future Socialist world power now assumes responsibility before the world with its historical alliance with 666:
"To represent, protect and assist the Chinese Socialist always defend the best interests of humanity, never selfish, greedy and criminal interests of the unacceptable world of injustice of the billionaires, banks and markets not to be arrested and controlled in time, they will end up causing self-destruction of humanity itself. "Mao Tse-Tung.
The unique "Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666" will also present to the world:
The historic soul Warning Chairman Mao Tse Tung the powerful Jewish lobby and the Republican Party who are also plotting to assassinate President Barack Obama:
(Read "666 reveal to the world the existence of a plot to assassinate President Barack Obama" ( ENTER !) >>>
And also to prevent the creation of new illegal Jewish settlements in Palestine, the realization of any peace process and the urgent need to successfully solve the Jewish-Palestinian conflict.
The soul of Chairman Mao Tse Tung also going to explain the world in its historical mystical speech that Project 666 will be published in the course of day and today, Sunday August 18, 2013, the incredible news that:
President Barack Obama at the GOP irresponsible now give her hands tied:
It has been chosen by God Himself in the universe to start the necessary and historic transformation of the United States of America and turn in a great world power:
This also provided the service and defense of the best interests of the American people and of humanity, helping to create a real world justice and paradise on earth.
That is why President Barack Obama with the help of the 666 existing in the world and helped successfully re-elect President Barack Obama in the elections of November 4, 2012:
(Read: "666 helped with a "D-day American" to the re-election of President Barack Obama 2012") ( ENTER !) >>>
Va a tener una nueva gran victoria electoral en las elecciones que para renovar el Congreso norteamericano se van a realizar el 4 de Noviembre del proximo año 2014, elecciones en las que el Partido Democrata y el presidente Barack Obama:
You'll have a great new electoral victory in elections to renew the U.S. Congress will be performed November 4 next year 2014 elections in which the Democratic Party and President Barack Obama:
They will have to take control of the U.S. Congress by obtaining the necessary majority in the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate to:
Power start making truly successful political transformation, economic, social and military that the American people and the United States need to:
Able to develop successfully in the world as a great country and world power must always serve and defend the best interests of the peoples American and humanity.
Needed to clarify also respect that in a situation that as we all know the 666 has always promised to the American people and the world that will help elect Hillary Clinton as the first woman president of the United States of America:
All these historic economic reforms, political, social and military that the United States and will need to start doing now President Barack Obama:
They will be completed successfully by the next government and U.S. President from 2016 to 2024 Hillary Clinton.
All this will be so because Hillary Clinton will be the first woman elected U.S. president in 2016, with the help of the great super-natural forces the existing 666 already in the world.
Finally the soul of Chairman Mao Tse Tung also goes on to explain in his allocution historical mystique that is:
The 666 will lose German federal election to Angela Merkel On September 22, 2013
The existence and future of the European Union will decide in the next German federal election of September 22, 2013 in which the 666 will lose re-election and the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany.
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences 666 Project 666 (Sunday August 18, 2013. Stockholm, Sweden. -09:00 GMT)
This large global News will be published In the next few hours In our successful website www.the666.com
Published on this website for the
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences Of Project 666
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences Of Project 666
(Sunday August 18, 2013. Stockholm, Sweden. -09:00 GMT)
(Click on the English or Spanish flag to read all the topics in English or in Spanish Language!)
!Pinche en la bandera española o inglesa para leer los textos completos en idiomas Español o Inglés!
The NEWS that CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera or the international press, THEY DARE NOT TELL THE WORLD for its great historical consequences!
In the incredible paradise and mystical world of God and the soul 666 Chairman Mao Tse Tung congratulates the soul of the great master filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock:
For the realization of video Excellency "Peanut 666 - 666 Mani" he has done with the 666 and using the famous and classic song lainoamericana "The Manisero" (Peanuts Vendor):
Now offers unparalleled mastery and pedagogy to all peoples and nations of the world, not only a well-deserved moment of rest but also:
A unique message of faith, hope and justice, explaining also the possibility to build a paradise on earth with 666 and his new economical 666.
Video: Peanut 666 - Mani 666 -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
Video: Peanut 666 - Mani 666 -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
This video excelent mystical "Peanut 666 - 666 Mani" we now present to advance to the world with its publication in youtube.com and in this successful website is also 666 www.the666.com:
The video will illustrate the historic allocution that the soul of Chairman Mao Tse Tung going to do to the world on Sunday August 18th for President Xi Jinping and the government and the Communist Party of China:
Asking perform at this year's 2013 the historic alliance of China with 666 to help ensure the existence and success of socialism in China, help avoid self-destruction of humanity and also help the building of a paradise on earth with the new economic system 666.
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 (Friday, August 16, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. -18:20 GMT)
The incredible and possible "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical" of presidents Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping with the 666 (Part 2 of 3) ( ENTER !) >>>
We're not wrong then to say that the "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical" possible to do now in Sweden with the existence of 666 and in the world:
Will be the big political event this year 2013 it will also help to change the history of mankind and build a paradise on earth.
It can not be otherwise in a situation in which at the historic "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical" and six days duration to be held next September in Sweden:
The 666 is going to explain to the presidents Barack Obama of the United States, President Vladimir Putin of Russia and President Xi Jinping of China, like is that you can help avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a world of justice and true paradise on earth, with the help the new economic system 666.
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences 666 Project 666 (Wednesday August 14. Stockholm, Sweden. (19.40 GMT)
The incredible and possible "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical" with the 666 (Part 2 of 3) ( ENTER !) >>>
(Caracteristicas increible y posible Mega-Sumi Politico y Mistico con el 666 de los presidentes Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin y Xi Jinping). ( ENTRAR !) >>>
The incredible and possible "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical" with the 666 (Part 2 of 3) ( ENTER !) >>>
(Beware!: The Third and last part of the "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical" will be the allocution historic soul of Chairman Mao Tse Tung, asking the President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party of China done now:
The necessary and historic alliance of China with 666 and is to be published on our website www.the666.com on Sunday August 18, 2013)
The souls of Chairmen Mao Tse tung and president Richard Nixon inform the world
The ability to perform now in Sweden, a historic "Mega-Summit 2013 Political-Mystical" with the 666
(Click on this link to read the full story!) ( ENTER !) >>>
(Ver "Las almas de los presidentes Mao Tse Tung y Richard Nixon proponen la realizacion en Suecia del "Mega-Sumit Politico Mistico del 2013" con el 666) ( ENTRAR !) >>>
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences 666 Project 666 (Wednesday August 14. Stockholm, Sweden. (19.40 GMT)
The incredible and possible "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical" with the 666 (Part 2 of 3) ( ENTER !) >>>
Explanation to the world because the necessary "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical" of the 666 with Presidents Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping has to have SIX DAYS duration.
The "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical" must have a duration Of SIX DAYS:
On demand it so the large amount of scientific information, economic and mystical that 666 after a much needed first take oath to presidents Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping on a copy of the same Bible that predicts 666 as a supposed "Antichrist", "Satan" and re-incarnate Devil ":
Commit first under oath and as men of honor and responsibility before God and men:
Failure or not to reach any agreement with the 666 after the realization of the "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical", will always maintain a "Inviolable and State Sacred Secret":
The stunning revelations that 666 is going to make Barack Obama presidents, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping on the greatest secrets and truths in the universe:
Information that is going to make it possible for these three presidents have for the first time in the history of mankind:
The knowledge needed to understand the greatest secrets and scientific and mystical truths about creation and the origin of the universe and of life and intelligent worlds there are also in it, and that 666 is going to offer in the "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical".
In the sixth and last day of work the 666 is going to explain to the presidents Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping:
6. The greatest scientific and mystical secrets in the universe about:
The very existence and nature of God and the creation of material and spiritual life with intelligent worlds in the universe as well on the creation and existence of the universe itself.
When Presidents Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping in the sixth and last day of work of the "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical" know all these secrets on the existence of God, the material and spiritual life of the universe itself:
Has to be then able to decide respecting their right of to make their own decisions:
If they accept or not the historic agreement ono political, economic, military and mystical with 666 going to offer to help avoid self-destruction of humanity and build a real world of justice and paradise on earth with the help of the new economic system 666.
(Click on this link to read the full story!) ( ENTER !) >>>
666 (Miguel Angel Sosa Vasquez) -Candidate of the Presidency of the European Union with Project 666 to make a Paradise on Earth-
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences 666 Project 666 (Wednesday August 14. Stockholm, Sweden. (19.40 GMT)
The incredible and possible "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical" with the 666 (Part 1 of 3)
(Beware!: The Third and last part of the "Mega-Summit 2013 Political Mystical" will be the allocution historic soul of Chairman Mao Tse Tung, asking the President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party of China done now, the necessary and historic alliance of China with 666 and is to be published on our website www.the666.com on Sunday August 18, 2013)
(Ver "Las almas de los presidentes Mao Tse Tung y Richard Nixon proponen la realizacion en Suecia del "Mega-Sumit Politico Mistico del 2013" con el 666) ( ENTRAR !) >>>
The souls of Chairmen Mao Tse tung and president Richard Nixon inform the world the ability to perform now in Sweden, a historic "Mega-Summit 2013 Political-Mystical" with the 666 ( ENTER !) >>>
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 (Monday August 12, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden -10:00 GMT).
Video: The Mega Summit needed Mystical Political and with 666 -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
Video: The Mega Summit needed Mystical Political and with 666 -by 666 and Alfred Hitchcock
The great tragedy that is now Global Capitalism and Western civilization is not only the inability of to solve major economic crises caused their worlds unacceptable and injustices but also:
The great failure that also has the international political community want to keep your irrational and failed policy attempting to continue ignoring and denying the appearance and existence of the 666 already in the world to help build a paradise on earth in a situation in which:
Only with the help of 666 and its new economic system 666 is that it can solve all problems political, economic, social, religious and military that now threaten to destroy humanity.
That's why nothing can prevent biblically predicted 666 triumph and government in the world with its new economic system 666.
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 (Tuesday, August 13, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. -11:50 GMT)
Necessary warning mystical soul of General Dwight D. Eisenhower to all those unaware, ridicule and mock the existence of 666 and now want to prevent:
The realization of a need and historic "Mega-Summit 2013 Political-Mystical with the 666" of the Presidents Barack Obama (USA), Vladimir Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (China), to help build a paradise on earth.
(See "The soul of general Dwight D. Eisenhower explains to the world The existence of the "World Army Mystic 666". ( ENTER !) >>>
In an unfortunate and unacceptable situation in which you the living, are now causing the worst crimes and crimes against humanity, the very self-destruction of mankind:
The true God exists in the universe has updates We suggest now the task of helping save after death, the existence and future of humanity itself under the direction of our unique and supreme commander and leader of mystical 666.
So let me now introduce mystical in this address to you, men, women, peoples, races, countries and nations of the earth, a small part of our unique "Mystical World Army 666".
The first "small" part of the 666 incredible mystical forces when receiving the command of God will to appear before the world in the Valley of Armageddon, to help avoid self-destruction of mankind and save what is worth saving of humanity and the Jewish people to reject the current political leaders now in the world and the Jewish people themselves, the historical offers of God and 666 to prevent the destruction of the humanity:
They are special elite forces composed of twelve million souls of dead soldiers in previous wars amnesty by God to reach finally redemption before God and Humanity, helping build a paradise in earth with the 666.
In such a situation
The existence and record of all officers and men who now form the unique "World Mystic Army Force 666" are not products of any invention or mendacious and absurd statements for the simple reason that:
They are already recorded in the history of mankind, our sacrifices and contributions (good and bad) to the world, in all these historical records are written and signed with his own blood and sacrifice that cost them their lives:
To all those soldiers and men who like well recorded in the annals of the history of mankind, having killed almost 100% of them in wars and military conflicts more pitiful and absurd in the course of all human existence, has imposed on humanity stocks of social injustices created by the very human greed.
In a situation in which as well has me in my own military record during my material existence in the world, I, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, never uses exaggeration and lies in my military records, I can say the world in this state for you never expected or imagined mystical Speech by that I do now to humanity, from the incredible world and spiritual paradise of God and the 666 existing in the Universe:
"The 666 is already on track to reach the presidency of the European Union with the Project 666 to build a paradise in Earth and if necessary, with the help of our inigualablee and invincible "Mystical World Army Forces 666", which at the moment are mystical:
We can take on several hours to control all countries and nations of the earth, through a incredible appearance materialization and mystic who can only make the true and only God that exists in the universe, with the realization of a action and mystical phenomenon indescribable "poltergeist" unprecedented in the world.
As Chief of Staff of the "Armed Forces Mystical 666", now I have been entrusted the task of explaining now to the world in this historic date of Saturday 26 November 2011, the characteristics of this incredible army 666 Mystic now existing in the world:
Just wait until the final order of God himself exists in the universe to materialize in the world and impose freedom, equality, justice, happiness, peace and love they need and are entitled to all peoples, races, countries and now existing nations in the world.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower. Chief of Staff of the "Army of 666 Mystic." Member of the "Mystic World Government 666", to help build a paradise on earth with Project 666.
(See "The soul of general Dwight D. Eisenhower explains to the world The existence of the "World Army Mystic 666". ( ENTER !) >>>
Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666 (Monday August 12, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden -10:00 GMT).
The soul of Ronald Reagan president informs the world that President Barack Obama will visit Sweden:
To recognize the existence of 666 and beging make the historic alliance "USA-666" early next month of September 2013.
(El alma del presidente Ronald Reagan informa al mundo que el presidente Barack Obama va a hacer una alianza con el 666) ( ENTRAR !) >>>
The unique "Department of Parapsychology and Occult Sciences of Project 666" presents the world on this date of Thursday August 8, 2013:
The historic soul allocution U.S. President Ronald Reagan announcing the next recognition of President Barack Obama:
From the historical existence of the 666 already in the world, to help build a paradise on earth.
This is the historic soul mystic message of President Ronald Reagan, to the U.S. President Barack Obama.
(Click on this linkt to read the full story" ( ENTER !) >>>
(El alma del presidente Ronald Reagan informa al mundo que el presidente Barack Obama va a hacer una alianza con el 666) ( ENTRAR !) >>>
The soul of president Mao Tse Tung advice To do now the historic alliance of China with 666 !
China is preparing to help change the world recognizing the existence of the 666 already in the world and also agreeing to the historic alliance of China with 666.
(El alma del presidente Mao Tse Tung llama a hacer la alianza de China con el 666!" ( ENTRAR !) >>>
I the soul of Margaret Thatcher Spokesperson for "Mystical World Government the 666" to help build a paradise on Earth, can report now to the world that:
See "The appointment the soul of Margaret Thatcher as incredible Spokesman "Government 666 Mystic, To help build a paradise on earth. ( ENTER !) >>>
The soul of Chairman Mao Tse Tung
He asks China to dear Comrade President Xi Jinping and the government and the Communist Party of China:
"HELPING NOW ON revolutionary spark a prairie fire will change the European Union with a new World Socialist Revolution 666":
1. Communicating to the world China's recognition of the existence of 666 and acceptance to make the historic alliance of China with 666 preferably for the next date Friday September 6, 2013, to help with the unique global political event means the recognition and the alliance of China with 666:
A kick that 666 Power in Germany:
To Chancellor Angela Merkel making her lose the German federal elections of September 22, 2013 and start with this:
The construction of a new European Union Super state or New World with 666 Roman Empire and the historic alliance of China with 666 to help avoid self-destruction humanity and build a paradise on earth that will guarantee and defend well with the new economic system 666:
2. The existence of society and the welfare state in all peoples and nations of the European Union and also the existence of state socialism and the welfare state in the Socialist People's Republic of China and in all peoples and nations of the earth.
See "The 666 does now the completion of his historical proposition of alliance to China" ( ENTER !) >>>
3 The soul of Chairman Mao Tse Tung (member of the incredible "Mystic World Government 666" to help create a paradise on earth) also asked China and to dear Comrade President Xi Jinping and the government and the Communist Party of China:
4. Also help to break the big economic blockade against the 666 that has the global capitalism and Western civilization that refuses to recognize and accept the historical fulfillment of the prophecies Biblical about the appearance and existence of the 666 already in the world:
China Paying upfront to 666 the sum of 666 million dollars not later than the date of September 6, 2013, for the rental and use of the new economic system 666 that the 666 offers China used for 50 years for the special price of camaraderie socialist revolutionary of 18,000 million dollars:
See also "The historical proposition alliance of 666 to China" ( ENTER !) >>>
To help ensure the existence and success of socialism in China, ending corruption and:
The existence of poverty and social injustice in China, and also to help turn China in the next five or ten years in the first world economic and military power:
As the great ally of 666 and future 666 new Roman Empire World China will your historic
Ai estão as Ferramentas que os crente deve possuir contra as ¨heresias¨, doutrinas apostas aos ensinamentos divinos e que tende a promover facções.¨heresias¨(1 cor:11;19;2 Pedro 2;1-4 e João 2,18)
Devemos está preparados com a espada do Evangelho da Paz, para responder a todos aqueles que por custumes de outro, procuram abalar a nossa fé em Cristo Jesus e a razão da esperança viva a salvação que há em nós(1 Pedro 3;13-15).Por esse motivo é necessário conhecer-mos melhor o Deus que servimos, para que ele venha nos dar a proteção dos falsos mestres e de seus insinos fraudulentos, por isso venho trazer-vos a clara serenidade da necessidade de conhecer-mos melhor este assunto como zelador de Deus na doutrina(Atos 22;13).